Thursday, March 13, 2008

After yet another long break, the Trinity Trotters were once again back in action this week! It has come to our rather unpleasant attention that we are in fact running another marathon relay in but 6 short weeks, and several members of the team, who will remain nameless, have not actually put on their running shoes since the last relay. These members would like to remind people that it is very cold in the District of Columbia in December, January, February, and most of March, but people from colder places (like Iowa and Minnesota) claim that this is not a good excuse.

Anyway, spring is coming, the Frederick Marathon is coming even quicker, and the Trotters are getting ready. For this weekend's run we were back on the National Mall. We contemplated searching for a Christmas tree, as that was the theme of the last few runs, but decided that would probably make for a bit longer of a jaunt then we were hoping for. Instead we played "dodge the raindrops" and the ever popular "don't lose Pastor Wendy," pondered whether Kent was cold (he was not), and generally enjoyed a lovely Spring morning.

Stats: I ran 3.36 miles, some others ran further.

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